Discover the power of AI-Powered transcription for old English texts

Harness the power of Transkribus to transcribe, decipher, and digitize your historical English texts. Leverage public AI models or train your custom one for unparalleled accuracy.

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Start transcribing English scripts with Transkribus

How Transkribus helps you to decipher English scripts

Decipher any old English script with ease

Transkribus is not bound by period or script. From medieval manuscripts to Victorian letters, from Gothic script to old cursive handwriting, Transkribus offers the flexibility to handle any type of old English text.

Train Your Custom Model for Unmatched Accuracy

One of Transkribus' unique selling points is the ability to train your custom model. This means that no matter how unique or complex your documents are, you can teach Transkribus to read them.

Available Public Models

Not sure where to start? Browse our list of publicly available models for English, offering a range of options for different scripts and periods. Find the perfect fit for your transcription project, or use these models as a starting point for training your own.

An All-In-One Solution for Historians, Archivists, and Genealogists

Transkribus is a cutting-edge digital platform designed for historians, archivists, genealogists, and anyone with an interest in bringing old English texts into the digital age. With a variety of publicly available AI models, Transkribus allows you to recognize your material quickly and efficiently, eliminating the need for manual transcription.

Additional Features to Enhance Your Research

With additional features like field models for recognizing the structure and layout of documents and Transkribus Sites for sharing your material, Transkribus stands as a comprehensive solution for your historical document needs.

Start transcribing English scripts with Transkribus